Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
7:00 AM - 4:00 PM MDT
Wednesday, September 13th
7:00AM - Player Registration, Breakfast & Warmup at the range!
8:00AM - Texas Scramble Shotgun Start!
3:00PM - BBQ Banquet start (Dependent on rate of tournament play)
Cattail Crossing Golf & Winter Club
24427 Township Rd 542, Edmonton, AB T8T 1L4 (
Golf - Including Breakfast & BBQ Banque) - $175/player
Banquet Only - $50/person
Aanand Mehta
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Enjoy golfing, camaraderie, dinner, and prizes. You do not have to be a BNI Member to Play. Invite a client or a friend! Anyone can play! We build teams with cross chapter power team members – you build relationships. Never golfed? NO PROBLEM! It’s all for fun, networking & charity
The day includes a warmup on the driving range and putting green, 18 holes of golf, a power cart, a Swag Bag filled with goodies from participating BNI Members, a deluxe BBQ dinner with fun, food, drink and prizes galore.
BNI Members & invited guests can also join us after the game for the Prize Banquet only, includes a deluxe BBQ dinner with all the trimmings.
We are proud to support 12 charitable organizations in our community! Our goal is to raise $15,000 through sponsorships, silent auction items, and golfer registrations through this tournament!