Thursday Jan 25, 2024
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM MST
January 25, 2024; 11:00am-12:00pm
Online - please register on Eventbrite.
Free admission. Please register on Eventbrite.
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This session delves into the aspects of choosing the right business ownership structure, a decision pivotal to your venture's success. We'll explore the nuances of sole proprietorships, incorporations, partnerships, non-profits and cooperatives, shedding light on their tax and legal implications.
Whether you're weighing the simplicity of a sole proprietorship, the liability protection of incorporation, the collaborative nature of partnerships and cooperatives, or the unique framework of non-profits, this webinar offers a guide to get you started on the right footing.
Attend to gain an understanding of the pros and cons of each structure to make an informed decision that aligns with your business goals, setting a solid foundation for your entrepreneurial journey.
About the Speakers
Chris Yeung is a business development and marketing expert with over 20 years of experience spanning multiple industries, including private capital markets, accounting, legal and education. Chris has a degree in Education from the University of Alberta and possesses the ability to articulate complex business models to stakeholders and target audiences. Combined with his creative marketing and technology skills, Chris adds tremendous value to strategic planning and finding unique solutions to tackle multifaceted challenges.
Erich Ly is a Chartered Professional Accountant and the owner of ELPC. He has many years of experience in corporate management with Bell Canada and has a degree in Psychology from the University of Alberta. Erich’s multifaceted professional background translates to a unique perspective in working with clients and businesses, especially in the professional services sector.
ELPC, formerly Tran & Associates, is an accounting and business firm that has been servicing small businesses in Alberta for more than 15 years. Watching our clients grow from start-ups to thriving businesses and ultimately live the life they truly want is what keeps us motivated to advance our mission. We are focused on delivering accounting and consulting services that help our clients make better-informed decisions, grow and scale their businesses and reduce their overall stress.
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