Monday Sep 11, 2023
Canadian Imperial Advantage 11525 23 Ave NW Edmonton, AB T6J4T3
5876895506 OR 5876895500
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HER-conomy is a 6-week program that is set to build an inclusive world without borders for women in Alberta and Western Canada through capacity-building training in leadership support and social empowerment for women entrepreneurs, leaders, and advocates.
The program provides an empowering community where women with different, backgrounds, life experiences and demographics connect and thrive with fair advantages while strengthening each other to become great leaders.
HER-conomy Initiative Program is developed to bridge communication and upskill the Albertan women community for equitable economic opportunities.
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Edmonton Chamber of Commerce for more information.
600 - 9990 Jasper Ave, Edmonton, AB T5J 1P7 – (780) 426-4620 –