Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM MST
Date: November 14, 2023
Time: 12 Noon to 1PM MST
Virtual Online
Register early to save your seat. Make sure you join the zoom event 5 minutes before the sessions starts at 11:55 am.
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The image everyone is used to seeing on construction sites is one of people hard hats, steel-toed boots and goggles. So what will this look like in the future?
With technology, ESG, DEI and global information overload, the types of activities and type of job roles are evolving. Collaborative teams and projects, hybrid work and new skills training to stay competitive in global markets has entered the scene. How will this change scope for general contractors, subtrades and professional consultants and project management in the A&E sectors?
Discover the latest trends, jobs, and skills that will shape the future of industries. This event is a unique opportunity to gain insights from industry experts and thought leaders.
Join our Fireside Chat panelists – Jen, Sarah and Kathleen, who are in the construction and new energy industry sectors! Then join them in smaller breakout rooms on zoom to ask them about what’s involved in their roles as employers, professionals and educators. Ask questions and get advice from the panelists, and peers in attendance, and of course networking.