Wednesday Feb 5, 2025
Feb 05, 2025 from 11:00 - 11:30
This is an online webinar that can be accessed through any device and on all platforms. Once you register by sending an email to , an email will be sent to you confirming your participation along with a link to join the call when its time for the webinar
FREE, RSVP required
Email to
Kosty Harshe, BBA, Investment Advisor, RBC Dominion Securities , 587-335-3694
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If you are the sole owner of a corporation that has appreciated in value over time and is expected to continue growing, there are ways to structure the ownership of your corporation to improve tax efficiency and simplify the planning for your estate. An estate freeze is a tool that can be used to restructure the ownership of your corporation by capping the value of your assets and transferring future growth to the next generation of owners. This webinar focuses on planning considerations for freezes involving incorporated family businesses and individuals with a portfolio of investments held in an investment holding company. The beneficiaries are usually family members but an estate freeze can also be used for transfers to key employees or other successors.
Basic disclaimer
RBC Dominion Securities Inc.* and Royal Bank of Canada are separate corporate entities which are affiliated. *Member-Canadian Investor Protection Fund. RBC Dominion Securities Inc. is a member company of RBC Wealth Management, a business segment of Royal Bank of Canada. ® / TM Trademark(s) of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under licence. © 2024 RBC Dominion Securities Inc. All rights reserved.
Tax/legal disclaimer (add when specific tax or legal strategies are discussed)
This information is not intended as nor does it constitute tax or legal advice. Readers should consult their own lawyer, accountant or other professional advisor when planning to implement a strategy.
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