ZGM Marketing Partners

ZGM Marketing Partners


Advertising & Media

About Us

Helping good organizations make a greater mark on the world. Good organizations are companies or organizations like yours that are putting something good out in the world. Together we can make a greater impact by amplifying your message in order to reach the people that need to hear it.
How? We're glad you asked. Technology has allowed us to access so many ways to communicate but we can never forget that on the other end of every device is a person. A real live human being with nuances, distractions, and individuality. The answer is to find that balance between humanity and technology and talk to people like people, even if it is through a machine.
We are the largest full-service, independent marketing agency in western canada

Video Media


Covid Loves
Original Joe's
Original Joe's Patio Season
Edmonton Community Foundation
Little Potato Co. Packaging
Little Potato Co.
Little Potato Co. ads

Rep/Contact Info

Jordan Mair
Director of Value & Innovation
View Personal Bio
Mr. Ric Williams
Managing Director